While you can incorporate flavoured butter at the start of the cooking process—say, as you saute your onions—it’s not what we recommend. That’s because all those extra hints of spice or herbs will cook out if you introduce the butter too soon. When you eat something with Oleo Butter, we don’t want you to think that there’s only a hint of flavor. We want you say, “wow, that’s some delicious _________!” (enter favorite flavor here).
To achieve that “wow factor,” it’s best to finish a dish with flavoured butter—that’s why flavoured butter is also sometimes called “finishing butter”— and start the dish with whatever butter or oil you typically cook with. Then, when the dish is complete and you are ready to dig in, add your tablespoon or two (or three) of compound butter and allow it to melt delicately from the heat of the already cooked dish.
Often we will leave the butter alone on a piece of meat or fish and let it do the job itself, but if it’s a vegetable, we will stir or toss before serving for equal distribution.
